Japanese Loggerheads Released off of Kochi, Japan
Link to current trajectory map of #203 and #204 3/27/2024 Turtle 204 continues to transmit locations very reliably. It has been transmitting for 208 days now and has traveled roughly 8000 km. Given that 208 days represents 4992 hours, 204 has been traveling/swimming at a rate of approximately 1.6 km/hour. Below is a short animation of the water currents and 204's track indicating where 204 is as of March 27, 2024. 2/29/2024 Turtle 203 stopped transmitting on 2/3/24 but 204 continues to transmit. Below is the current location of 204. It appears that 204 is riding around in a small current eddy that has branched off of the main Kuroshio current. These eddys tend to concentrate food items and are know to be areas preferred by loggerheads. Above is an animation of the travels of #204 in the Eddy shown above from 1/13/24 to 2/29/24. 2/2/2024 Here is an animation of 203's and 204's trajectories after their release i...