
Showing posts from August, 2024

Post Nesting Loggerhead Turtle Tagged and Released

  AUGUST 8, 2024 POST NESTING LOGGERHEAD SATELLITE TAGGED  KOCHI BEACH, JAPAN The post-nesting loggerhead is now meandering around an area that appears to be very favorable for her. Loggerhead turtle 571 has begun to remain in the same vacinity which indicates that she has found an area that provides a bountiful foraging area. 571 has moved a little off shore and may be moving out into the Kuroshio current.  Stay turned to see where she goes! Above is an image of loggerhead #571 nesting on Kochi Beach taken by Noah Yamaguchi with a drone mounted IR camera at 0200 hours on August 6,2024.  A team from Usa Marine Biological Institute was able to capture her after she finished laying eggs. 571's eggs (110 in number) were retrieved and placed in the protected hatchery on Kochi Beach.  If these eggs hatch successfully, they will constitute the fourth cohort of STRETCH turtles scheduled for release in 2026!   Post nesting loggerhead turtle #571's locations and track as transmitted by