DAY FOUR- Final Visit to PNPA

 Saturday, 11/19.2022

Today is our final day in Nagoya.  We are headed to the aquarium to check on our "tagged" loggerhead and will spend some time with Kurita san and team to finalize all talking points.

We will also take some time to walk around the aquarium and see the various exhibits before we leave our wonderful Japanese team mates for the time being.  

This afternoon will be spent doing a little shopping and visit Osu district shopping street.

 Below:  Walking to the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium.... a beautiful day and a beautiful area.

Heroic Japanese  antarctic huskies, Jiro and Taro

View of the PNPA across the bridge.

Walking across the bridge toward the aquarium.

View from the aquarium back across the bridge we had just crossed.

Aquarium Visit.

We meet up with Kurita san at 1030 and he took us over to visit the turtle we tagged yesterday.  Everything looks good... the turtle is active, feeding and the tag remains solidly attached.  Below are some clips of our visit.

Our little loggerhead, still kept in a small basket to protect the tag from the other loggerheads, looked in excellent condition and the tag looked solidly attached.  It will apparently soon be moved to an exhibit tank in the Chelonia Institute so it will have much more room to move around.

One of the PNPA workers that we have worked with in the past stopped by to say hello.

General Crowder admiring cohort 1.

Clips from visiting the aquarium:

The sea turtle nesting beach at PNPA.

After visiting the aquarium and checking in on our tagged turtle, we traveled to the Osu District and did a little walkabout in a popular shopping area.  In the middle of the rather modern shops is this ancient shrine (Miwa shrine)

Miwa Shrine in the center of the shopping distirct of Osu, Nagoya, Japan.

The central courtyard at the Kanayama station. There are lots of restaurants and shops in the area.

Tonight we invited Kiyoshige Kobayashi out to dinner and went to a Okinawan restaurant.  Below are a few pictures of our adventure.
Another night time view from my hotel room.

Okinanwan restaurant that Kiyo took us to in Kanayama.

Kiyo and GHB at dinner.

A couple of the dishes.

Definitely a colorful place with 5 tables and a husband and wife proprietors. 

We had to make a stop at Dunken Donuts for desert!!


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